Pirates Egypt

نشاط تطوعي طلابي في عين شمس هدفه تنمية مهارات الطلاب وتقليل الفجوه بين المناهج التعليميه  والحياه الجامعيه والمهارات والمعرفة التي يجب تواجدها لدي الطلاب لتقليل حجم هذه الفجوه  
Mission: we took the first steps achieving many goals and values as much as possible.
we aim to develop youth skills in thinking and generating useful ideas affect our community and implement these ideas in real projects, trying to solve some problems, on the other hand decrease the gap between these ideas and market need…planing to make the link between them, and we don’t forget to learn how to deal with different personalities in an effective way, these three fields are working together to enhance our humanity & drawing our fingerprints in life.
one of the most high light output in the last years that we have shortening the gap between the theoretical academic life and the practical one & increase researches skills and project management
About: Pirates Egypt is a Student Activity founded in 2009 in Ain Shams University. Our goal is to develop students into innovative leaders.

Facebook: Pirates Egypt 

LINKEDIN: pirates-egypt-asu

Twitter: Pirates

Instagram: Pirates egypt

Youtube: Pirates